Double-Sided LED Sign Lights are only meant to be used only with "double-ended power."
Follow the following steps for installing LED outdoor tubes for double-sided signs:
Step 1: Turn the power off. Before opening the lightbox, check whether the main circuit breaker is switched off or not. It should not be left on during the installation.
Step 2: Remove the fluorescent tubes from the tube holders and open the lightbox.
Step 3: Next, find where the main power line enters the lightbox and follow the wires to the fluorescent tube ballast (s).
(Note: more than one ballast may be present in some lightboxes.)
Step 4: As close to the ballast body as possible, cut or disconnect all wires leading to or from the ballast(s).
(Note: the ballast(s) can be removed, thrown away, or can be left where they are.)
Step 5: Double-check that all wire connections are wire nutted and electrically taped. Finally, make sure the lightbox housing is adequately grounded as well.
Step 6: Insert the 360° LED Sign Tubes into the lightbox, ensuring that the "INPUT" or "LINE VOLTAGE" ends of the tubes are plugged into the "LIVE END" sockets adequately.
Step 7: Reconnect the light box's power supply and turn it on.
It’s always preferred that only people who have been adequately trained and are qualified to do basic electrical maintenance and repair should rewire fluorescent fixtures for usage with LED sign lighting. Before installing LED sign tubes, please read the instructions carefully for your own safety.
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